Friday, December 12, 2014

Not Surprised

   In a recent article by Tijuana she argued that the United States has made a mistake by releasing a CIA interrogation report. She stated that the release of the report seemed to be a political stunt meant to shake up the already fragile state of our nation. She also deemed the reports delivery wrong and stated that it seemed exaggerated in a since. She concluded that all the release did was put United States troops on high alert, and admit she thought it was a mistake to release as well. I do agree with Tijuana in most of her opinions of the United States.

   The United States is famous for releasing information and reports that rattle the public. They give us this “jaw dropping” information as a way to instill fear in American citizens. Fear is a wonderful political strategy to use because it allows for, and in some cases demands change. So I do believe that the CIA interrogation report could have been released and handled differently , but I am not surprised.

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